Cybersecurity Home

Virginia Tech offers multidisciplinary opportunities in cybersecurity education and research, with participating faculty from the departments of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Political Science, and Business. With its strong engineering and science focus, Virginia Tech offers deeply technical undergraduate and graduate programs in cybersecurity, and our faculty conduct world-class research in information security, network security, hardware security, and software security. Centers such as the Hume Center for National Security and Technology researches defense and intelligence applications of cyber attack and defense. The IT Security Lab, part of the university's CIO organization, is able to use the university's production network as a teaching hospital for cybersecurity.
Below are some of the key designations held by Virginia Tech for both its education and research programs in cybersecurity.
National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Research
Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence
Cybercorps Scholarship for Service School
Virginia Tech's faculty have wide-ranging research programs ongoing in cybersecurity. The university's core strength in world-class cybersecurity research are in the following key areas of expertise:
- Cyber-Physical System Security
- Cybersecurity Policy and Governance
- Wireless Communications and Networking Security
Six research centers and labs capture a large portion of the ongoing research activity. See faculty members' personal websites for more information.

per year in research grants and contracts

150 students
per year supported as graduate research assistants
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